product name:Hydrogen for industrial use
product number:1483414974
mobile phone:18503181299 18503181098
Molecular formula: H2
Molecular weight: 2.0158
Usage: it is a basic industrial raw material, which is used to manufacturehydrochloric acid, artificial petrol, methanol and boron-hydrid metal etc.Besides, hydrogen can also be used as deoxidize agent and used in metalincision and smelt and bulb industry.
Copyright ? Hebei Jiheng Chemical Co., Ltd. Tel:+86-318-5950119 Fax:+86-318-5950968
E-mail:sale@jihengchem.com Website:www.tongju5.cn
ADD:No.8, Jiheng Road,Wuyi Country, Hengshui City,Hebei 053400